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Comfort Food for Cold Weather

Winter has definitely set in. Much of the country is in the midst of a deep freeze, and my neighborhood is no exception. I tend to be a bit of a homebody in general, but I especially prefer to stay in when the mercury dips. I find no better time than during a cold spell to make some of my favorite comfort foods. I’m quite the foodie, and my husband is as well, so that equals a household of cooks and eaters. Indeed, this set of Chef Hat & Spoon Cufflinks represent us well:
Chef Hat & Soon Cufflinks
Yesterday, we made gallons of bean soup. It is a great way to warm up after facing the elements outside. We’ve frozen much of it so as to have easy suppers in the weeks to come. As the winter wears on, we’ll make other comforting dishes like roasts and casseroles; it’s one of the best parts of the season.

Signed, Sealed & Delivered

Well, in just a few short days, President-Elect Obama will be sworn in as our 44th president. President Bush has already given his farewell speech, and preparations are being made throughout Washington, D.C. to prepare for the inauguration. Things are sure to be very exciting for the next week. I actually know a few people who are going to the inauguration, as well as some who are going to Washington just to be near this historic event.

While I won’t be able to be there in person, I will be keeping up with all the events on TV, radio, and the predictable texts from friends who will be in attendance. It won’t be the same as being there, but January 20th is going to be a big deal for me all the same, and I’m sure that I’ll remember it in the years to come. At our store, we have some Presidential Seal Cufflinks that would be perfect to commemorate this event:
Presidential Seal Cufflinks
Are you planning anything special for the inauguration?

New Years Redux

How was your New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day? I usually have a good time on both days, but this year, my New Year’s Day was considerably better than my New Year’s Eve. To use some of our cufflinks as convenient visual aids, my New Year’s Eve was more akin to these Aspirin Cufflinks:
Aspirin Cufflinks
…than these Champagne Bottle Cufflinks:
Champagne Bottle Cufflinks

Since we were both still suffering from head-colds, the hubby and I stayed in for New Year’s Eve, and just barely managed to keep awake long enough to watch the ball drop on TV. (The aspirin was, alas, not to cure the results of overindulging in champagne, but rather to contend with a cold related headache.)

After sleeping in, however, we were in far better spirits the next day, and managed to have a nice New Year’s Day with two great meals. Our household is a “multi-culti” one, if you will, so we had bagels and lox for brunch, and a soulfood dinner of rice, black-eyed peas, and greens for dinner. Both meals were a great start to 2009, and reminded us that we usually have more to be thankful about than to be worried or concerned. (Perhaps this is why Cufflinks Depot has so many fun and whimsical cufflinks?)

How did you celebrate the beginning of 2009?

Keeping it All Together

“Beth, can you get the car keys? Beth? You do know where the car keys are, right?” That was my husband this afternoon as we were preparing to head to the suburbs for the holidays with my mom. It took me a little while, but I eventually did find the sought-after keys and we were on our way. We’re still living out of boxes in our new apartment, so we don’t have a set space for our keys, and other necessary odds and ends like cell phone chargers or the dog leash. Once we’re settled, we’ll have official spaces for all of those things.

I’m all about that old maxim, “A place for everything and everything in its place.” If I don’t follow it, I lose things all too easily. I think that this is especially true of small things. For that reason, I think that this 16 Pair Cufflinks Collector’s Case is a must-have for anyone looking to store cufllinks:

You wouldn’t store your best silver in a plastic bucket, would you? To ensure that your cufflinks, or ones that you’ve given to someone else are kept safe and easily accessible, consider adding case to your shopping list.  As you can see here, we have a number of different cases to offer, so it is easy to find the best one to meet your needs.

Unique Gift

Unique Gift

I was impressed with these fun cufflinks that I came across when browsing a market in Philadelphia.  Not a place that I usually find unique gifts for friends.  But, I was so fascinated by these that I had to list them to our site.  I wanted to share this most unique yet cute product with all of you.  Take a look!!  Whether it is a gift for a doctor, gift for a lawyer, or a gift for dad it is worth the investment.  He or she (women cufflinks are in!!!!) will be the center of attention.  You don’t have to live in New York or LA to find these dudes cool.  I hope you cufflinks lovers agree.  These cuff links are an awesome last minute gift.

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